Nilit 161KV Substation
Renovation and upgrading of the NILIT 161kV Substation and connecting it to a70 MW Combined Cycle Power Station as well as to the 161KV utility grid.

Co-generation Primor Factory
ECOMAX 33 modular co-generation system by AB Energy Primor Factory – Kibbutz Gan Shmuel Performed by the Iteeo, A member of the El-Mor Group.

Tara Dairy Plant
El-Mor managed and carried out the electrical work and the instrumentation and SCADA work at the Tara Dairy Plant, one of Israel’s largest dairy plants, built near Netivot.

Stadiums and Theatres
El-Mor installed the lighting and security systems and carried out the energy and electrical work at the most modern and advanced stadiums and arenas that have been built in Israel in recent years.

Med-1 Data Center Hosting Facilities
Since the construction of the Med-1 hosting plants, 15 years ago, El-Mor has carried out all the electrical work and the maintenance – preventative and corrective – as well as providing 24/7 emergency-call services.

The Carmel Tunnels
The Carmel Tunnels project is one of the most prominent and innovative transportation engineering projects in Israeli history; in this project, El-Mor was chosen to carry out the electrical work in the tunnels.

Hospitals & Medical Centers
Over the years, El-Mor has carried out a wide variety of projects at hospitals and medical centers throughout the country.

Laying the 161 KV Line at the Dead Sea Works
El-Mor laid the 161 KV power cables connecting the 240MW power plant at the Dead Sea Works to its substation.

240 MW Power Plant at DSW near the Dead Sea
El-Mor carried out all the electrical work at the DSW power plant, near the Dead Sea. The plant is a combined cycle power station located within the Dead Sea Works; it is powered by natural gas with diesel fuel as backup, with a production capacity of 240 MW.

Ketura and Zmorot – large scale PV plants
Full EPC contractor for plant at Ketura and plant at Zmorot, for EDF and Arava Power

Agan Chemicals 55MW Power Plant
El-Mor performed the electrical work at the Agan Chemicals power plant, a combined cycle power plant located in Ashdod, which is powered by natural gas with diesel fuel as backup, with a production capacity of 55 MW.

Dorad 840 MW Power Plant
El-Mor has carried out the electrical, instrumentation and SCADA work at one of Israel’s largest and most complex energy projects – the power plant.

Israel Railways
El-Mor is the prime contractor for electrical and communications work at Israel Railways; over many years, the Company has implemented electrical and security systems for Israel Railways and has laid down hundreds of kilometers of communications cables and fiber optics infrastructure.